Sunday, May 24, 2009

Chai Pilgrimage

Hey kirti, i'm sure you'll like this site. chai pilgrimage. you can see how people explore interest in the smallest thing, and find joy. if you click at their other blog, you'll also see how people from other country have adapted or adopted to the Hindu traditional belief of tradition, religion and culture. Its fascinating how simply people do things, while we think it to be an extra ordinary effort. this i felt after reading their other blog about the birth of the blog writers daughter. i would like you to read that too. for you the link here Tulasi. for those you want to laugh at it, i've only this to say.
Passion is not just what you have, they come in various, surpising packages, big and small. And at places you least expect. And is showed in surprisingly innovative ways.

The blog is written by Jenny Kostechi- shaw, a mexican i guess.

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