A key is “Desirability,” Sim tells us — companies that want to succeed must create a product vision and then stick to it. An example of a vision whose designers were steadfast: the iPhone. On the flip side, Microsoft Vista is a product where the visionaries watered things down.He expounds on the IDEO process’s five steps (observation to synthesis to a generative framework to a prototype and finally to the solution), and adds his own useful comments on why he particularly likes prototyping (it lets entrepreneurs quickly work through bad ideas).
He notes the five things IDEO suggested to entrepreneurs:
1) Spend time with customers
2) Be visual and tangible (in other words, build things, even if it’s just on paper)
3) Try it yourself
4) For inspiration, look outside your category
5) Test-drive your ideas, constantly.
Simeonov noted that IDEO’s special sauce comes in part from the people it hires, who are deeply knowledgeable about an area, but also have broad interests (the firm calls them T-shaped people).